Critical Studies of AI&ED symposium 2024
The International Symposium of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Education took place online on 2 February 2024.
The symposium involved (i) keynotes by Kyungmee Lee (Seoul National University) and Ilkka Tuomi (independent researcher, Finland), (ii) a panel discussion on Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Education, and (iii) a symposium-wide discussion of ways forward.
This final discussion centred on a draft position paper/call to action that will be presented, discussed, and finalised (which could mean rejected) at the symposium.
Wayne Holmes (University College London, UK)
HE Ambassador Toru MORIKAWA (ASEF)
Miki Sugimura (Sophia University, Japan)
Mitja Jermol (IRCAI)
Keynote 1
Ilkka Tuomi (independent researcher, Finland)
Keynote 2
Kyungmee Lee (Seoul National University)
Kalervo Gulson (University of Sydney)
Elisabeth (Lis) Sylvan (Berkman Klein Centre, Harvard University)
Antonia Wulff (Education International)
Jeremy Knox (University of Oxford)
Selena Nemorin (Monash University)
Maha Bali (The American University in Cairo)
(Download the Zoom chat – Welcome, keynotes and panel)
Call to action (breakouts)
(recording not available)
Call to action (plenary)
Next steps
(recording not available)